26 research outputs found

    Target Directed Event Sequence Generation for Android Applications

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    Testing is a commonly used approach to ensure the quality of software, of which model-based testing is a hot topic to test GUI programs such as Android applications (apps). Existing approaches mainly either dynamically construct a model that only contains the GUI information, or build a model in the view of code that may fail to describe the changes of GUI widgets during runtime. Besides, most of these models do not support back stack that is a particular mechanism of Android. Therefore, this paper proposes a model LATTE that is constructed dynamically with consideration of the view information in the widgets as well as the back stack, to describe the transition between GUI widgets. We also propose a label set to link the elements of the LATTE model to program snippets. The user can define a subset of the label set as a target for the testing requirements that need to cover some specific parts of the code. To avoid the state explosion problem during model construction, we introduce a definition "state similarity" to balance the model accuracy and analysis cost. Based on this model, a target directed test generation method is presented to generate event sequences to effectively cover the target. The experiments on several real-world apps indicate that the generated test cases based on LATTE can reach a high coverage, and with the model we can generate the event sequences to cover a given target with short event sequences

    Endothelial Progenitor Cells Enhance the Migration and Osteoclastic Differentiation of Bone Marrow-Derived Macrophages in vitro and in a Mouse Femur Fracture Model through Talin-1

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    Background/Aims: Bone resorption mediated by osteoclasts plays an important role in bone healing. Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) promote bone repair by stimulating neovascularization and osteogenesis. However, the role of EPCs in osteoclast formation and function is not well defined. The aim of this study was to elucidate mechanisms of EPCs in osteoclast formation and function. Methods: In this study, we examined the effects of EPCs on the proliferation, migration and osteoclastic differentiation of primary mouse bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMMs) in a co-culture system in vitro. We also evaluated the effects of EPC co-transplantation on the homing and osteoclastic differentiation of transplanted BMMs in a mouse bone fracture model in vivo. The technology of immunofluorescence, immunohistochemical, western blot, Rt-PCR, cell co-culture and Transwell were used in this study. Results: EPCs secreted TGF-β1 in the EPC-BMM co-culture medium and increased Talin-1 expression in the co-cultured BMMs. Treatment with a TGF-β1 neutralizing antibody or Talin-1 silencing in BMMs completely inhibited BMM osteoclastic differentiation in the co-culture system. These results indicated that the osteoclastogenic effects of EPCs were mediated by TGF-β1-mediated Talin-1 expression in BMMs. In the femur fracture model, BMMs co-transplanted with EPCs exhibited enhanced engraftment into the fracture site and osteoclastic differentiation compared with those transplanted alone. Mice treated with EPC-BMM co-transplantation exhibited increased neovascularization at the fracture site and accelerated fracture healing compared with those treated with BMMs alone. Conclusion: Taken together, the results suggest that EPCs can promote bone repair by enhancing recruitment and differentiation of osteoclast precursors

    a path-oriented approach to generating executable test sequences for extended finite state machines

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    The Extended Finite State Machine (EFSM) is a commonly used model for specifying software systems. A test sequence for an EFSM is a sequence composed of values of input variables, which can make the EFSM "execute" along a complete path from entry to exit. Traditional test sequence generation methods for EFSM almost imitate those FSM based approaches and focus on states identification. Most of them impose significant restrictions on the EFSM. This paper proposes a path-oriented approach to generating test cases for EFSM and presents a tool for test data generation. The experiments show that our tool can generate executable test sequences for EFSM models of software systems automatically in acceptable time. © 2012 IEEE.IFIP; Beijing University of TechnologyThe Extended Finite State Machine (EFSM) is a commonly used model for specifying software systems. A test sequence for an EFSM is a sequence composed of values of input variables, which can make the EFSM "execute" along a complete path from entry to exit. Traditional test sequence generation methods for EFSM almost imitate those FSM based approaches and focus on states identification. Most of them impose significant restrictions on the EFSM. This paper proposes a path-oriented approach to generating test cases for EFSM and presents a tool for test data generation. The experiments show that our tool can generate executable test sequences for EFSM models of software systems automatically in acceptable time. © 2012 IEEE

    Learning-based two-phase cooperative optimizer for distributed machine scheduling with heterogeneous factories and order priorities

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    In the realm of customized manufacturing, production cycles are often compressed to capture market opportunities swiftly. The blanking system stands as the inaugural and pivotal phase in the realm of large equipment customized manufacturing. This study abstracts a novel problem from real-world blanking systems, as the distributed unrelated parallel machine scheduling with heterogeneous factories and order priorities (DUPMS-HP). The presented work formulates the bi-objective DUPMS-HP, aiming to minimize both the total weighted tardiness and the workload gap of each machine. A learning-based two-phase cooperative optimizer (LCTPO) is introduced to address this NP-hard problem, featuring: i) a cooperative evolutionary algorithm during the first stage for global search to ensure diversity; ii) the incorporation of five problem-specific local search strategies in the first stage to balance priority and due date constraints. Additionally, reinforcement learning is applied to learn and select the best neighborhood search operator for each elite solution, further enhancing diversity. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is validated through a comparative analysis with five state-of-the-art algorithms on 20 instances. Experimental results affirm that LCTPO is more adept at solving DUPMS-HP compared to the alternative algorithms

    Profitability of pairs trading tactics in China's stock market

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    Conference Name:2013 "Suzhou-Silicon Valley-Beijing" International Innovation Conference: Technology Innovation and Diasporas in a Global Era, SIIC 2013. Conference Address: Suzhou, China. Time:July 8, 2013 - July 9, 2013.Soochow University, Center for Enterprise Innovation and Development (CEID); San Jose State University, Lucas Graduate School of Business; China Institute for Science and Technology Policy at Tsinghua University; UC Berkeley, School of Information; IEEE Technology Management CouncilOn the hypothesis of short selling being possible in Shanghai stock market, using standardized stock price series, selecting sample based on the constituent stocks of SSE 50 index, this paper tests the profitability of pairs trading tactics. By use of constructing benchmark and bootstrap simulation, this paper demonstrates that pairs trading tactics is profitable in Chinese securities market. The system risk of this tactics is close to zero, which reflects the pairs trading tactics being a market neutral tactics. ? 2013 IEEE

    The time of Calcium Feeding Affects the Productive Performance of Sows

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    This study aims to investigate the effect of Calcium (Ca) feeding time on a sow’s productive performance and the profiles of serum mineral elements during late pregnancy and lactation. A total of 75 pregnant sows were assigned to three groups: The control (C), earlier-later (E-L), and later-earlier (L-E) groups. During late pregnancy, the C group was fed an extra 4.5 g Ca (in the form of CaCO3) at both 06:00 and 15:00, the E-L group was fed an extra 9 g Ca at 06:00, and the L-E group was fed an extra 9 g Ca at 15:00. Similar treatments with double the amount of Ca were applied during lactation. The results show that, compared with the C group, L-E feeding decreased the number of stillbirths and the duration of farrowing and placenta expulsion (FARPLA) and increased the average daily weight gain (ADG) of piglets. Similarly, E-L feeding increased the ADG of piglets (p < 0.05). Furthermore, both E-L and L-E feeding increased the Ca levels in sow serum and umbilical serum, and the Fe levels in umbilical serum, but decreased the Ca levels in the placenta and colostrum (p < 0.05). Experiments on the genes involved in mineral element transport showed that E-L feeding activated the mRNA expression of TRPV5, S100G, SLC30A7, SLC39A4, and Ferroportin1, while it inhibited the mRNA expression of ATP7A in the placenta (p < 0.05). Moreover, L-E feeding up-regulated the mRNA expression of ATP2B and IREB2, while it down-regulated the mRNA expression of ATP7B in the placenta (p < 0.05). In conclusion, the present study demonstrated that maternal Ca feeding at 15:00 h during late pregnancy and lactation decreased FARPLA and stillbirths and improved the growth performance of suckling piglets by altering the mineral element of the metabolism in the umbilical serum and milk, compared to conventional feeding regimes

    Biomechanical study of the stiffness of the femoral locking compression plate of an external fixator for lower tibial fractures

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    Abstract Background A locking compression plate (LCP) of the distal femur is used as an external fixator for lower tibial fractures. However, in clinical practice, the technique lacks a standardized approach and a strong biomechanical basis for its stability. Methods In this paper, internal tibial LCP fixator (Group IT-44), external tibial LCP fixator (Group ET-44), external distal femoral LCP fixator (Group EF-44, group EF-33, group EF-22), and conventional external fixator (Group CEF-22) frames were used to fix unstable fracture models of the lower tibial segment, and anatomical studies were performed to standardize the operation as well as to assess the biomechanical stability and adjustability of the distal femoral LCP external fixator by biomechanical experiments. Results It was found that the torsional and flexural stiffnesses of group EF-44 and group EF-33 were higher than those of group IT-44 and group ET-44 (p  0.05); and the compressive stiffness of all three EF groups was higher than that of group ET-44 (p  0.05). Group CEF-22 showed the highest stiffnesses, while group ET-44 had the lowest stiffnesses (P < 0.05). Conclusions The study shows that the distal femoral LCP has good biomechanical stability and adjustability and is superior to the tibial LCP as an external fixator for distal tibial fractures, as long as the technique is used in a standardized manner according to the anatomical studies in this article

    Involvement of Toll-Like Receptor 2 and Pro-Apoptotic Signaling Pathways in Bone Remodeling in Osteomyelitis

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    Background and Aims: Osteomyelitis is a common manifestation of invasive Staphylococcus aureus infection characterized by bone loss and destruction. We investigated the role of toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) in bacterial recognition and clearance in response to infection with an osteomyelitis isolate of S. aureus. Methods: Apoptosis was assessed in the osteoblastic cell line MC3T3-E1 by Annexin V-FITC/PI staining and flow cytometry. The expression of TLR2 and apoptosis-related and mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway proteins was assessed by qRT-PCR and western blotting. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and calcium deposition were assessed by ALP activity assay and Alizarin red staining. Results: S. aureus induced apoptosis, upregulated TLR2 expression, and activated mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways in a time dependent manner. Inhibition of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway downregulated TLR2 and suppressed the S. aureus induced activation of pro-apoptotic pathways. Short-hairpin RNA mediated silencing of TLR2 reversed S. aureus induced apoptosis and decrease in ALP activity and calcium deposition, and inhibition of JNK had a similar effect. Conclusion: We showed that osteoblast apoptosis and osteogenic differentiation in response to bacterial invasion are dependent on TLR2 expression and JNK activation, suggesting novel potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of osteomyelitis

    Effects of a two-meal daily feeding pattern with varied crude protein levels on growth performance and antioxidant indexes in pigs

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    The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of daily feeding pattern on growth performance, blood biochemistry, and antioxidant indexes in pigs. One hundred and eighty female Duroc × Landrace × Yorkshire (DLY) pigs with similar body weight (11.00 ± 0.12 kg) were randomly assigned to 3 groups: the control group (fed 17.01% CP diet, twice daily); high-low group (H-L group, fed 18.33% CP diet in the morning, followed by 15.70% CP diet in the afternoon); and low-high group (L-H group, fed 15.70% CP diet in the morning, followed by 18.33% CP diet in the afternoon) (n = 6). Comparable amounts of their respective diets were given at 05:30 and 15:00 throughout the experimental periods to make all the treatments consumed the same type of food and the same amount of calories on a daily basis. On day 30, one pig was randomly selected per litter for blood samples. Compared with the control group, ADG in the H-L and L-H groups increased by 8.11% and 16.23%, but not significant (P > 0.05); and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) in the H-L and L-H groups decreased by 26.76% and 41.04% (P < 0.05), respectively. The H-L group feeding pattern could significantly improve levels of serum superoxide dismutase (SOD), when compared with the control group. These findings suggest that the two-meal daily feeding pattern with varied levels of CP affects serum levels of BUN and SOD. These changes could effectively silightly improve growth performance and antioxidant capacity in pigs without incurring increased feeding costs